
25 June 2011

Jackfruit- fruit of the season

All of us have heard of jackfruit. It is a large fruit and has sweet taste and powerful smell. It is a seasonal fruit which is extensively used in South Kanara. It is used either for curries or to make savories. Especially once it starts raining people over here do not eat in raw form, but they make nice delicious snacks like fritters, steamed cakes, dosa’s etc. It is one such fruit, that people do not waste any part of it except the outer thorny skin.

Jackfruit is rich in important nutrients like Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Potassium, Calcium, Iron, Sodium and Zinc and is low in calories.

Health Benefits:

  • It helps to lower blood pressure.
  • Has high potassium content.
  • Aids in digestion and rules out constipation.
  • Helps in ulcer patients.
  • For people with asthma and skin infection it is proved as a natural cure.
  • Rich in phyto nutrients and protects against cancer.
  • Good source of Vitamin C so it helps in strengthening immune system.
  • Good for skin.
  • Does not help in fat deposition so it is beneficial for obese people.

So now knowing the healthy benefits of jackfruit why not use it?
For delicious recipes of jackfruit kindly email me to

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